CROSSCON & (Secure) Friends
RISC-V Summit EU, Munich, Germany

CROSSCON Newsletter #2

CROSSCON - 3rd GA Meeting (Portugal)
Guimarães, Portugal

CROSSCON - 2nd GA Meeting (Italy)
Trento, Italy

Media Hits - Digital
Portuguese Media:"Universidade do Minho participa em projeto de cibersegurança com financiamento de 4,6 milhões de euros"SAPOTEK; AICEP; PC-GUIA; BUSINESS.IT; PME MAGAZINE; ALGORITMI; EXAME…

CROSSCON Newsletter #1

CROSSCON and REWIRE partner to strengthen IoT security
CROSSCON and the Horizon Europe project REWIRE (REWiring the ComposItional Security VeRification and AssurancE of Systems of Systems Lifecycle) have joined forces to tackle security challenges across…

First Press Release - February 2023
The EU-funded project CROSSCON (GA number 101070537) aims at designing a new open, modular, highly portable, and vendor-independent IoT security stack that can run on highly heterogeneous devices.…

CROSSCON Kick-off Meeting (Spain)
Madrid, Spain