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Ensuring Secure & Safe Connected Medical Devices Design with Zero Trust Principles
The EU-funded ENTRUST project will seek to tackle the lack of cybersecurity implementations in connected medical devices without limiting their wide applicability. The proposed trust management architecture will dynamically and holistically manage the lifecycle of connected medical devices, strengthening trust and privacy in the entire medical ecosystem. This includes formally verified trust models, risk assessment processes, secure lifecycle procedures, security policies, technical recommendations and real-time conformity certificates. The added value and effectiveness of the ENTRUST Trust Management Framework will be validated and evaluated in four real-world use cases ranging from wearable and medical devices used for remote patient monitoring to high-end stationery equipment used in hospitals and clinics.

Autonomous trust, security and privacy management framework for IoT
ARCADIAN-IoT aims to develop and make available an innovative, advanced, solid framework for trust, security and privacy management for IoT systems. The ARCADIAN-IoT framework will accelerate the development of IoT systems towards decentralized, transparent and user controllable privacy in three real use cases.

Secure OPen source softwarE and hardwaRe Adaptable framework
SecOPERA aims to provide a one-stop hub for complex OSS/OSH solutions delivering to a connected device designer, implementer and operator as well as any open-source software/hardware developer, the means to analyse, assess, secure/harden and share open-source solutions as those are integrated in an overall complex product developed for a networked connected environment.

IoT Engine To The Next Generation of IoT
IoT-NGIN introduces novel research and innovation concepts, acting as the “IoT Engine” which will fuel the Next Generation of IoT as a part of the European Next Generation Internet. IoT-NGIN uncovers a patterns based meta-architecture that encompasses evolving, legacy, and future IoT architectures.

REWiring the ComposItional Security VeRification and AssurancE of Systems of Systems Lifecycle
REWIRE envisions a holistic framework for continuous security assessment and management of open-source and open-specification hardware and software for IoT devices, throughout their entire lifecycle, under the zero-trust concept, adhering to the security-by-design principle and providing cybersecurity certification.

IoT Trust and Identity Management Framework
ERATOSTHENES aims to solve critical obstacles considering “Security of Things” as core to the future IoT success. The project envisions to develop a decentralized and contextual Trust and Identity Management Framework for resource-restricted IoT environments following a self-sovereign approach.

Open-source ReSilient Hardware and software for Internet of thiNgs
How to design embedded and connected devices taking advantage of open source hardware (and software)

aCtive sEcurity foR connecTed devIces liFecYcles
CERTIFY defines a methodological, technological, and organizational approach towards IoT security lifecycle management